
yii2 实现tree grid


Extension of Yii 2 Framework, which is wrapper for bootstrap-gtreetable plugin, on the other hand it provides functionality which allows to save the nodes states into database. http://gtreetable2.gilek.net


The nested sets behavior for the Yii framework.


jQuery TreeGrid Extension for Yii 2

This is the jQuery TreeGrid extension for Yii 2. It encapsulates TreeGrid component in terms of Yii widgets, and thus makes using TreeGrid component in Yii applications extremely easy.


An enhanced tree management module from Krajee with inbuilt jQuery plugins and Yii widgets for tree node manipulation and management using nested sets. The module provides ability to manage hierarchical data stored using nested sets. It utilizes the yii2-nested-sets extension to manage the tree structure in your database. Refer the documentation for yii2-nested-sets extension before you start using this module. The yii2-tree-manager module includes two major widgets TreeView and TreeViewInput. In addition, it includes module level settings to easily configure your tree management preferences. It includes a Tree Model which includes inbuilt tree management flags and rules. The model implements and uses a TreeTrait. So one can choose to extend from the Tree Model or implement their own model that uses the TreeTrait. It also includes a NodeController that allows you to manage tree nodes easily via ajax. The tree view widgets and jQuery plugins are built from scratch by Krajee entirely without using any third party plugins. The TreeView is designed using HTML5, jQuery & CSS3 features to work along with the Yii 2 framework.

View a complete demo for TreeView or TreeViewInput.